World War Polygon

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⭐Epic Single Player Campaign⭐World War Polygon is a World War II first-person shooter game. When the world descends into the hell called war, it needs heroes to stand against evil. World War Polygon lets you be a hero! The single player campaign is packed with epic moments, story scenes and exploits. Become a brave soldier who will march from D-Day in Normandy to Battle of the Bulge in Battle of the Bulge to Berlin.

Experience the Eastern Front as a Soviet soldier who must survive the Battle of Stalingrad and fight in Eastern Europe. Help end World War 1945 during the fall of Berlin as part of the Allied Forces. Traditional single-player first-person shooter missions are accompanied by special tasks such as: B. Shooting down planes with anti-aircraft guns, defending your position with mortar fire, destroying tanks or bunkers with a bazooka and hitting enemies with snipers from a long distance of

⭐Multiplayer modes and daily missions⭐The Single player campaign is just epic, but World War Polygon can bring you even more fun with its great optional modes: Multiplayer PvP (4v4 Team Deathmatch, Allies vs Axis) and Daily Missions (You vs .

zombie hordes). Have fun shooting enemy soldiers, exterminating zombies or fighting other players in real-time PvP Allies vs. Axis modes.

⭐Features⭐* Free-to-play WWII FPS Singleplayer* Easy controls and Intuitive yet fully customizable* Heroic WWII storyline* Heroic, epic, tragic, or just plain funny story scenes* Boss fights – find dangerous, unique enemies and fight them!* Epic polygon graphics* Tons of weapons, consumables, grenades, and other gear
* Customize yours Character setup for each mission or multiplayer match. Do you prefer sniper rifles, assault rifles, submachine guns or shotguns?

* Upgrade weapons, vests and helmets* Real-time PvP battles* Team Deathmatch multiplayer mode: good old allies vs. Axis PvP* Ranking for a competitive MP experience* Daily missions: fight endless hordes of Germans Zombies* Various tasks: assist in air combat by firing anti-aircraft guns, use stationary machine guns, protect your position against waves of enemy soldiers, shoot, destroy tanks and much more! in
, all sides are our great inspiration. We try to bring you as much content from as many different battlegrounds as possible. We’re still producing content for the game to meet your expectations: weapons, enemies, cinematic moments and full campaigns.

Sometimes we want you to enjoy direct shooter games as a member of an elite commando behind enemy lines, and sometimes we feel that we need to show you the struggles of the people in this extreme conflict. Real heroes are people who risk their lives to protect what is dear to them, not generals, not leaders, just (exceptional) ordinary members of the US Army, Red Army and every other army that WWII had to take part in World War II. Still, we want this to be a fun experience, as wargames are a genre full of great titles.
We hope you like our version!

What's new

New bigger update is her!

* More responsive UI
* High fps modes added, you can now utilize higher display refresh rate than 60hz
* Better aiming sensitivity
* Added option to get more items from crates
* Bugfixes and balancing



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